The Ohio Summer Rendezvous is an annual event for homeschool graduates. Centered in the beautiful Mohican State Forest, the OSR is a weekend of fellowship, indoor and outdoor games/sports, amazing, home-cooked meals, English/Scottish Country Dancing, talent show, hiking and Spiritual growth.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Thank you, and an invite. . .

A big thank you to everyone who made OSR 2012 the best yet! I have many beautiful memories filled with beautiful people. And I've got to admit, the Lord filled me with a special sense of peace this year--I felt organized, put together, and everyone seemed happy. Can't ask for anything more. :)

I'm made many friendships because of the OSR, and am really excited to see how God will use it in it's future. Here's to many more years of playing and praising together, and a big, friendly invite to The Ohio Summer Rendezvous, 2013! As always, join me and my family for another weekend of fun, fellowship, and unforgettable memories in the Mohican State Forest! Pleasant Hill Outdoor Center (located in the park,) is a quiet, nature-infused cluster of cabins--a "spiritual" retreat that will pull you back, year after year. Anyone who's attended the OSR says it's changed their life, brought many new and long lasting friendships, is hosted and catered in a clean, family-friendly environment, and most importantly, is an event that inspires them in their faith.


The Ohio Summer Rendezvous (OSR) is open to homeschoolers 14 years and older and homeschool graduates ONLY. If you are under the age of 18 and would like to attend, remember that you must be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older.

WHEN: September (official dates not yet announced)

WHERE: Pleasant Hill Outdoor Center (Mohican State Park)

4654 Pleasant Hill Rd.
Perrysville, OH 44864
#419 938-3715 

LODGING PRICE: $80 flat rate per person, includes lodging for 2 nights, and 5 home-cooked meals. (please contact me if you are unable to stay the entire weekend and/or have parents who would like to attend for ala carte options.)

START TIME: Not yet announced.

END TIME: Not yet announced.

Please contact me here for further details: 
pnogirl [at] gmail [dot] com

Note that there is pick up available for those flying.

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