The Ohio Summer Rendezvous is an annual event for homeschool graduates. Centered in the beautiful Mohican State Forest, the OSR is a weekend of fellowship, indoor and outdoor games/sports, amazing, home-cooked meals, English/Scottish Country Dancing, talent show, hiking and Spiritual growth.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Tentative Schedule!

Tentative Schedule for the Ohio Summer Rendezvous 2010


+ Arrival: 4:30-5:00 PM

+ Dinner: (Taste of Italy - see menu)
5:30 PM

+ Official Rendezvous Scavenger hunt announced
(rules, teams, etc)

+ Get-to-know-you games, including:
1. 'Who, Where, What'
2. 'Two Truths and a Lie'
3. 'Do You Love You're Neighbor?'

+ Bonfire-sing-along

1. Musicians! Please bring your instruments. :)
2. Extra song books/sheets would be wonderful.
3. ...don't forget your voice and a heart full of praise to the Lord!

**There will be coffee, tea and other drinks available throughout the weekend. **


+ Breakfast: (Maple Morning Breakfast)
8:00 AM

+ Devotions: 9:30 AM

+ Talent show: 11:00-12:00

+ Lunch: (South of the Border)
12:00 PM

+ Scavenger hunt concluded during meal

+ Group hike begins: 1:00 PM

+ Camp/War games and sports begin: 2:00 or 2:30 PM

We have some fantastic games set up, and are currently working on recruiting 2-3 guy group leaders to head games, sports, and recreation.

Some of the activities we have in mind:
1. Volley ball
2. Softball
3. 'Spud'
4. Water balloon games, including a three-man sling shot game.

- and that is only a brief list!

**canoeing is also an option**

+ Dinner: (Maple Traditions)
5:30 PM

+ Dance prep begins: 6:30 PM

+ Official Western-themed ball!
(special thanks to our friends and dance callers Heather and Raquelle Sheen)

7:30-10:30/11:00 PM

. Optional swing dancing and/or more ECD afterwards
. Optional bonfire


+ Breakfast: (Deluxe Continental)
8:00 AM

+ Homechurch: 9:30 AM

+ Jam session

Check out is any time before 5:00 PM. Guest who decide to stay later are more than welcome, however they must provide their own meals after breakfast. :)
(there are fast food restaurants in the area.)

ATTENTION Locals and people driving! If you feel inclined, please bring a snack to share over the weekend, such as cookies,
chips, candy, etc, etc. We'd also like to ask you to bring a game or two - cards, board games, etc. Thank you so much!

There you have it folks! If you have any questions please feel free to contact me or any of the event co-planners, and we will do our very best to help you!

SOOO looking forward to fellowshipping together this September!

~ Michaela for the Ohio Summer Rendezvous Team

1 comment:

  1. I don't see Ultimate on the game list for Saturday! ;)

    Sounds great, ladies!
