The Ohio Summer Rendezvous is an annual event for homeschool graduates. Centered in the beautiful Mohican State Forest, the OSR is a weekend of fellowship, indoor and outdoor games/sports, amazing, home-cooked meals, English/Scottish Country Dancing, talent show, hiking and Spiritual growth.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

2011 OSR (tentative) schedule

Here it is at last! Thank you so much for your patience - we are currently putting together the menu...having a bit of a hard time organizing that this year, as it doesn't show on the camp website. ;) Should be up soon!

Tentative OSR Schedule - 2011


+ Arrival at camp: 4:30- 5:00 PM

+ Dinner: 5:30 PM

+ Introductions (of attendees) and welcome from hostess/s 

+ Get-to-know-you games, including:
1. 'Who, Where, What'
2. 'Two Truths and a Lie'
3. 'Do You Love Your Neighbor?'

+ Bonfire; jam session; singin' under the stars

BRING YOUR INSTRUMENTS! - one of last years most treasured memories was gathering together and just *singing*. Guitars, mandolins, whistles and whatnot, if you play something, bring it along (and don't forget your singing voice!)

**There will be coffee, tea and other drinks available throughout the weekend. 

Saturday*~ (the fun begins!)

+ Breakfast: 8:00 AM

+ Devotions: 9:00 (subject to change)

+ Scavenger hunt prep (directly after devotions)

+ Photo Scavenger hunt (exact time yet to be decided)

+ Lunch: 12:00 PM

+ 2011 OSR Talent Show prep: 1:00 - 2:00

+ free for all games (for those not participating in Talent Show): 1:00- 2:00

*NOTE!* At this time we are also looking for volunteers at the "water balloon filling station." If you don't like sports...head on over!

+ Official Ohio Summer Rendezvous Talent Show: 2:00 -3:00 PM

+ Organized games: 3:00-5:30 PM

"Balloon Drop"
"Relay Race"

+ Dinner: 5:30 PM

+ "Once Upon a Dream" English Country Dance Ball prep: 6:00 PM

+ Official OSR Ball: (subject to change) 7:30 PM 

Night ends when we finally drop. ;)


+ Breakfast: 8:00 AM

+ Home Church: 9:00 Am

Check out is any time before 5:00 PM. Guest who decide to stay later are more than welcome, however they must provide their own meals after breakfast. :)
(there are fast food restaurants in the area.)

ATTENTION Locals and people driving! If you feel inclined, please bring a snack to share over the weekend, such as cookies,
chips, candy, etc, etc. We'd also like to ask you to bring a game or two - cards, board games, etc. Thank you so much!

There you have it folks! If you have any questions please feel free to contact me or any of the event co-planners, and we will do our very best to help you!

SOOO looking forward to fellowshipping together this September!

~ Michaela for the Ohio Summer Rendezvous Team

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