The Ohio Summer Rendezvous is an annual event for homeschool graduates. Centered in the beautiful Mohican State Forest, the OSR is a weekend of fellowship, indoor and outdoor games/sports, amazing, home-cooked meals, English/Scottish Country Dancing, talent show, hiking and Spiritual growth.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Updated Pleasant Hill camp pics!

NOTE that this was written last year...I've updated it a bit to fit this OSR's theme. ;)

Updated pictures of Pleasant Hill Outdoor Center! - enjoy, and hope everyone is getting as excited as I am!

The new room at Pleasant Hill's Genesis Lodge, (attached to the original room and separated by doors .) Its huge, beautiful, and the perfect place for dancing!
I was quite impressed
*note* we will be holding the Masquerade Ball in this room.

Another view of the Lodge's new room! Gorgeous and spacious, no?

The steps leading up to the quaint cabin area. I just love the woodsy, rustic, yet completely neat and clean feel of the whole camp!

The newest cabin at the camp - 'Hickory'. Sooo charming! *Note* that the older cabins are just a nice, and JUST as tidy!

~*~ Another view of 'Hickory' ~*~

I believe this is 'Cedar'. I love how its set in the middle of the trees...

The outdoor amphitheater where the talent show is to be held. Can't wait!

Another view of the amphitheater...oooh, the talent show is going to be a B.L.A.S.T.

~*~ more amphitheater ...

Looking back on the way to the fishing pond.

Cute little direction sign. :D

There is a short trail that leads from the cabin area to the fishing pond and some of the sports fields. I thought it was so pretty I had to take a picture!

Going back up the path toward the cabins...

The original part of the lodge. I love the piny-woodsy-homey feel.
Mmm...combine that with the aroma of brewing coffee! o.O
And just think, if its cool enough in the evenings we may be able to start the fireplace up!
(either way there will be a bonfire outside each night.)

The kitchen and buffet area. The food is incredible!

'Cedar!' (there *are* more cabins, I just didn't snap pics of them. ) ;)

Patriotic too...what more could a home schooler ask for??
(Pleasant Hill is a Christian run camp, btw.)

No caption needed...

On the Lodge deck. See the wooden cross??

Part of the old building, and a side view of the new building. Nice?!?

The front of the new building

I was trying to get a picture of the entire building, and failed, obviously. ;)
Here's an idea, nonetheless. ^_^

Another attempt...

Basket ball court. Bring your balls!

Soccer net and field...

Another soccer net...

The road down the the Mohican Lake.

The stunning lake. Here we have the option to swim (which we are passing on due to lack of a lifeguard and other things.)

The lake and dock...

Lake view...

If you have any questions, let us know! Can't wait to see you soon!

~ Michaela if the Ohio Summer Rendezvous Team


  1. Photos look great!

    Are there electrical hookups near the outdoor amphitheater and the bondfire location?

    My vote is definitely *for* the canoeing!

  2. Yes there is an outlet near the amphitheater, though I didn't check near the bonfire - I'll check into that! :)

  3. Nice pictures, Michaela! Starting to get excited about this. Canoeing? I thought you said there would be a jam session after breakfast and church! Just kidding - canoeing sounds great! After all, that's what the Mohican area is famous for, right? (Just don't skip the jam session...) ;)

  4. Looks great! I'm really excited!

    I have a question: I'm flying out, so fishing rods would be rather hard for me to pack. Is it possible that someone from the area could bring a spare that I might be able to borrow? Either way is fine -- just thought I would check!

    Also, I'm not officially licensed as a lifeguard, but I do know all of the procedures for rescuing someone from the water -- proper positioning, and also CPR, etc. Not sure if that would make a difference on whether we could swim or not, but I just thought I'd offer.

  5. Looks fabulous! I can hardly wait :D ooh I hope somebody is bringing some sort of sound system for the talent show? :-/ Iain't noisy 'nuff for a crowd to hear me :P

  6. Amazing Michaela! Thanks for getting these! I am so extremely giddy excited about that beautiful new room for dancing in!!!! OOoOOOH!

    As for swimming, I'm game. And canoeing...question is do we have to pay for that ahead of time? Or is it something we can decide to do then and there?
    I guess if I had to put in a vote, I would say "Nay" especially if its on Sunday. I know some people will have to leave pretty soon after church that day, and I do'nt know about anyone else, but I would hate to miss saying goodbye and hanging out during those last few hours...that was one of my favorite times in February, the last bit of bonding time...

  7. I agree with you, Hannah! I say lets try to fit the canoeing some where else, if possible. The last day is the sweetest. Church, jam session & hang out like the last time. Im with you!

  8. I like canoeing, but I vote for doing at a different time as well, instead of after church.

  9. You know, since there hasn't been a lot of sports/game ideas thrown around...maybe *that* would be a good time to do canoeing, in place of the games?

    I agree...jam session & hang out is well worth skipping canoeing. I could seriously do both of those things all day.
